EPC as LNG experts on TV - NDR Nordmagazin

On April 7, the state parliament of MV decided to install a floating LNG terminal for the seaport of Rostock in order to become less dependent on Russian gas imports. After the CDU presented the motion to create the appropriate conditions for the construction as quickly as possible, the Minister of Economics Reinhard Meyer (SPD) stated that he saw good chances for an LNG terminal in Rostock and hoped for a quick implementation. 

In the course of this state parliament session, the NDR approached the Wismar University of Applied Sciences with a request for an appropriate classification of the topic. The European Project Center has already carried out the innovation projects MarTechLNG and GoLNG on this topic since 2012 and was therefore available to answer questions from the media in the person of Christopher Meyer. 

In addition to a short interview for the NDR Nordmagazin (to the video), a telephone conversation was recorded in advance for the radio broadcasting on the same evening. 

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