Hochschule WismarEPCInternationalResearch

Four new projects for EPC

The EPC participated again actively in the new program for INTERREG South Baltic. In preparation for the larger projects, the program awards so-called seed money projects as start-up funding. These projects must already be adapted in terms of content to the later specific goals of the program and are therefore an ideal gauge of one's own project initiatives, as well as a positive feedback from the program for a later major project. 

In this context, the EPC was able to successfully accommodate the University of Wismar in four projects, in one of which the EPC also acts as coordinator. This shows not only the ability of our team to develop appropriate funding proposals, but also the continuing good cooperation with known but also the acquisition of new project partners at the European level.

Here is the list of approved projects and their coordinators. The projects start already in April this year and have a duration of about half a year, so that at the end of the projects the final application for the major projects is developed.

DigiTechPort - Hochschule Wismar | European Project Center

DigiPRENEURS - School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University

DECADE 2030 - Blekinge Institute of Technology

CATALYST - Center of European Meetings in Elblag Swiatowid

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