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- Driver or Driven? – Perspective of German Tourism Companies on necessary Sustainable Developments
- Intelligent Agents onboard Cruise Ships (Zweitprüfer)
- Critical Success Factors for customer preferences on blended learning products of WABCO Academy
- Eine Analyse der CO2-Emissions-Treiber auf Golfanlagen dargestellt am Beispiel des Golfparks Strelasund (Zweitprüfer)
- Concept of promotion and marketing for wine related products within the online retail market
- Analyse des Nachhaltigkeitsbeitrages von Industrie 4.0-Technologien – Eine empirische Forschung zum Einsatz von Industrie 4.0 im Kontext eines nachhaltigen PLM
- Business Model Impact Study for CO2-reduced Stainless Steel Tube System
- Potential of On-Demand Transport in Urban and Rural Areas
- Job leveling as a measure to improve management quality in the company - example case of Allianz Global Corporate and Specialty
- Challenges and Opportunities from Hybrid Employment towards Organizational Leadership in the Technology Industry
- Evaluating the financial viability of electric and internal combustion engine passenger cars in Germany: a total cost of ownership (TCO) perspective
- Evaluation of Practicality and CO2 Emissions of Biofuels in Container Ships: Impact on CII Ratings (Zweitprüfer)
- Cross-Border-M&A: Kritische Analyse der Herausforderungen von Unternehmensübernahmen in der Volksrepublik China (Zweitprüfer)
- The Future of International Business in the era of Artificial Intelligence (Zweitprüfer)
- Promoting Sustainable Road Transport in Nigeria: Leveraging Technological Advancements for Environmental Impact