A new marketing tool for regional SMEs

As the lead partner for the creation of the overall marketing strategy for the "Southern Baltic" region (WP3), Wismar University of Applied Sciences and the European Project Center (EPC) in the EU project "InterMarE South Baltic - Internationalization of the Maritime Economy of the Southern Baltic" have produced a digital brochure for regional entrepreneurs from the maritime industries alongside the published detailed marketing and branding strategy for supporting Blue Growth in the "Southern Baltic" region. 

This brochure is an additional output provided by the EPC team for the project. The basic idea for a development of this digital brochure is to help the companies that will participate in the virtual InterMarE South Baltic trade fair on April 20-22, 2021 to get acquainted with the latest developments in the region and Europe and find new ways to better position themselves strategically for the future. 

Due to the fact that the fair will unfortunately be held virtually, like all other events, the project has no other options than to present the developed marketing and branding tools online. All companies, including those outside the maritime industry, are welcome to participate in the fair on April 20-22, 2021. Unlike other virtual events, this trade fair builds on an IT concept developed as part of the project, which will enable interactive and realistic trade fair participation and experience gathering. The fair is co-funded by the InterMarE South Batlc project.

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