Access Restrictions // Coronavirus

Ein Aushang an der Hörsaaltür weist auf die aktuellen Zugangsregeln hin.
Ein Aushang an der Hörsaaltür weist auf die aktuellen Zugangsregeln hin.

It applies

  • the 3G+ rule in teaching
    in accordance with the exceptions for special teaching/learning rooms (laboratories, workshops, studios) that must be used on a mandatory basis and in examinations that cannot be conducted digitally.
    This means that all students must provide the lecturers with a daily (24h valid) proof of a negative coronavirus test on every day they come to campus.
  • the 3G rule in the workplace
    This means that in accordance with the so-called workplace 3G regulations, by 19.03.2022 all university employees, which also includes student assistants, must present a vaccinated or recovered certificate once to the Human Resources Department for registration.
    Unvaccinated persons must provide proof of a negative coronavirus test every day before entering the workplace. For this group of persons, there is a centrally organised possibility to carry out the necessary self-tests under supervision.
    Employees must carry proof of vaccination and recovery or a current certificate of a negative coronavirus test when entering the workplace.
  • the 2G+ rule for special offers
    This means that only those persons who have been vaccinated or have recovered and can present a current certificate of a negative coronavirus test may participate in e.g. sports courses. Non-2G persons are not granted access.

There are two areas in our university library, the open access area (3G) and the reading room (3G+). Currently, only university members (employees and students) have access to both. Visitor traffic is not permitted.

The respective access restrictions are also indicated by posters at the building entrances and rooms.

The general wearing of mouth and nose protection is still obligatory.

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